package api

import (


	rstypes ""

// FederationInternalAPI is used to query information from the federation sender.
type FederationInternalAPI interface {

	QueryServerKeys(ctx context.Context, request *QueryServerKeysRequest, response *QueryServerKeysResponse) error
	LookupServerKeys(ctx context.Context, s spec.ServerName, keyRequests map[gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupRequest]spec.Timestamp) ([]gomatrixserverlib.ServerKeys, error)
	MSC2836EventRelationships(ctx context.Context, origin, dst spec.ServerName, r fclient.MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest, roomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion) (res fclient.MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse, err error)

	// Broadcasts an EDU to all servers in rooms we are joined to. Used in the yggdrasil demos.
		ctx context.Context,
		request *PerformBroadcastEDURequest,
		response *PerformBroadcastEDUResponse,
	) error
		ctx context.Context,
		request *PerformWakeupServersRequest,
		response *PerformWakeupServersResponse,
	) error

type ClientFederationAPI interface {
	// Query the server names of the joined hosts in a room.
	// Unlike QueryJoinedHostsInRoom, this function returns a de-duplicated slice
	// containing only the server names (without information for membership events).
	// The response will include this server if they are joined to the room.
	QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoom(ctx context.Context, request *QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomRequest, response *QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomResponse) error

type RoomserverFederationAPI interface {
	KeyRing() *gomatrixserverlib.KeyRing

	// PerformDirectoryLookup looks up a remote room ID from a room alias.
	PerformDirectoryLookup(ctx context.Context, request *PerformDirectoryLookupRequest, response *PerformDirectoryLookupResponse) error
	// Handle an instruction to make_join & send_join with a remote server.
	PerformJoin(ctx context.Context, request *PerformJoinRequest, response *PerformJoinResponse)
	// Handle an instruction to make_leave & send_leave with a remote server.
	PerformLeave(ctx context.Context, request *PerformLeaveRequest, response *PerformLeaveResponse) error
	// Handle sending an invite to a remote server.
	SendInvite(ctx context.Context, event gomatrixserverlib.PDU, strippedState []gomatrixserverlib.InviteStrippedState) (gomatrixserverlib.PDU, error)
	// Handle sending an invite to a remote server.
	SendInviteV3(ctx context.Context, event gomatrixserverlib.ProtoEvent, invitee spec.UserID, version gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion, strippedState []gomatrixserverlib.InviteStrippedState) (gomatrixserverlib.PDU, error)
	// Handle an instruction to peek a room on a remote server.
	PerformOutboundPeek(ctx context.Context, request *PerformOutboundPeekRequest, response *PerformOutboundPeekResponse) error
	// Query the server names of the joined hosts in a room.
	// Unlike QueryJoinedHostsInRoom, this function returns a de-duplicated slice
	// containing only the server names (without information for membership events).
	// The response will include this server if they are joined to the room.
	QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoom(ctx context.Context, request *QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomRequest, response *QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomResponse) error
	GetEventAuth(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, roomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion, roomID, eventID string) (res fclient.RespEventAuth, err error)
	GetEvent(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, eventID string) (res gomatrixserverlib.Transaction, err error)
	LookupMissingEvents(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, roomID string, missing fclient.MissingEvents, roomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion) (res fclient.RespMissingEvents, err error)
	CurrentMembership(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID) (string, error)

	RoomHierarchies(ctx context.Context, origin, dst spec.ServerName, roomID string, suggestedOnly bool) (res fclient.RoomHierarchyResponse, err error)

type P2PFederationAPI interface {
	// Get the relay servers associated for the given server.
		ctx context.Context,
		request *P2PQueryRelayServersRequest,
		response *P2PQueryRelayServersResponse,
	) error

	// Add relay server associations to the given server.
		ctx context.Context,
		request *P2PAddRelayServersRequest,
		response *P2PAddRelayServersResponse,
	) error

	// Remove relay server associations from the given server.
		ctx context.Context,
		request *P2PRemoveRelayServersRequest,
		response *P2PRemoveRelayServersResponse,
	) error

// KeyserverFederationAPI is a subset of gomatrixserverlib.FederationClient functions which the keyserver
// implements as proxy calls, with built-in backoff/retries/etc. Errors returned from functions in
// this interface are of type FederationClientError
type KeyserverFederationAPI interface {
	GetUserDevices(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, userID string) (res fclient.RespUserDevices, err error)
	ClaimKeys(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, oneTimeKeys map[string]map[string]string) (res fclient.RespClaimKeys, err error)
	QueryKeys(ctx context.Context, origin, s spec.ServerName, keys map[string][]string) (res fclient.RespQueryKeys, err error)

// FederationClientError is returned from FederationClient methods in the event of a problem.
type FederationClientError struct {
	Err         string
	RetryAfter  time.Duration
	Blacklisted bool
	Code        int // HTTP Status code from the remote server

func (e FederationClientError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s - (retry_after=%s, blacklisted=%v)", e.Err, e.RetryAfter.String(), e.Blacklisted)

type QueryServerKeysRequest struct {
	ServerName      spec.ServerName
	KeyIDToCriteria map[gomatrixserverlib.KeyID]gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria

func (q *QueryServerKeysRequest) KeyIDs() []gomatrixserverlib.KeyID {
	kids := make([]gomatrixserverlib.KeyID, len(q.KeyIDToCriteria))
	i := 0
	for keyID := range q.KeyIDToCriteria {
		kids[i] = keyID
	return kids

type QueryServerKeysResponse struct {
	ServerKeys []gomatrixserverlib.ServerKeys

type QueryPublicKeysRequest struct {
	Requests map[gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupRequest]spec.Timestamp `json:"requests"`

type QueryPublicKeysResponse struct {
	Results map[gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupRequest]gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupResult `json:"results"`

type PerformDirectoryLookupRequest struct {
	RoomAlias  string          `json:"room_alias"`
	ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`

type PerformDirectoryLookupResponse struct {
	RoomID      string            `json:"room_id"`
	ServerNames []spec.ServerName `json:"server_names"`

type PerformJoinRequest struct {
	RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
	UserID string `json:"user_id"`
	// The sorted list of servers to try. Servers will be tried sequentially, after de-duplication.
	ServerNames types.ServerNames      `json:"server_names"`
	Content     map[string]interface{} `json:"content"`
	Unsigned    map[string]interface{} `json:"unsigned"`

type PerformJoinResponse struct {
	JoinedVia spec.ServerName
	LastError *gomatrix.HTTPError

type PerformOutboundPeekRequest struct {
	RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
	// The sorted list of servers to try. Servers will be tried sequentially, after de-duplication.
	ServerNames types.ServerNames `json:"server_names"`

type PerformOutboundPeekResponse struct {
	LastError *gomatrix.HTTPError

type PerformLeaveRequest struct {
	RoomID      string            `json:"room_id"`
	UserID      string            `json:"user_id"`
	ServerNames types.ServerNames `json:"server_names"`

type PerformLeaveResponse struct {

type PerformInviteRequest struct {
	RoomVersion     gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion           `json:"room_version"`
	Event           *rstypes.HeaderedEvent                  `json:"event"`
	InviteRoomState []gomatrixserverlib.InviteStrippedState `json:"invite_room_state"`

type PerformInviteResponse struct {
	Event *rstypes.HeaderedEvent `json:"event"`

// QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomRequest is a request to QueryJoinedHostServerNames
type QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomRequest struct {
	RoomID             string `json:"room_id"`
	ExcludeSelf        bool   `json:"exclude_self"`
	ExcludeBlacklisted bool   `json:"exclude_blacklisted"`

// QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomResponse is a response to QueryJoinedHostServerNames
type QueryJoinedHostServerNamesInRoomResponse struct {
	ServerNames []spec.ServerName `json:"server_names"`

type PerformBroadcastEDURequest struct {

type PerformBroadcastEDUResponse struct {

type PerformWakeupServersRequest struct {
	ServerNames []spec.ServerName `json:"server_names"`

type PerformWakeupServersResponse struct {

type InputPublicKeysRequest struct {
	Keys map[gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupRequest]gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyLookupResult `json:"keys"`

type InputPublicKeysResponse struct {

type P2PQueryRelayServersRequest struct {
	Server spec.ServerName

type P2PQueryRelayServersResponse struct {
	RelayServers []spec.ServerName

type P2PAddRelayServersRequest struct {
	Server       spec.ServerName
	RelayServers []spec.ServerName

type P2PAddRelayServersResponse struct {

type P2PRemoveRelayServersRequest struct {
	Server       spec.ServerName
	RelayServers []spec.ServerName

type P2PRemoveRelayServersResponse struct {