# The name of the server. This is usually the domain name, e.g 'matrix.org', 'localhost'.
server_name: "example.com"

# The base path to where the media files will be stored. May be relative or absolute.
base_path: /var/dendrite/media

# The maximum file size in bytes that is allowed to be stored on this server.
# Note: if max_file_size_bytes is set to 0, the size is unlimited.
# Note: if max_file_size_bytes is not set, it will default to 10485760 (10MB)
max_file_size_bytes: 10485760

# The postgres connection config for connecting to the database e.g a postgres:// URI
database: "postgres://dendrite:itsasecret@localhost/mediaapi?sslmode=disable"

# Whether to dynamically generate thumbnails on-the-fly if the requested resolution is not already generated
# NOTE: This is a possible denial-of-service attack vector - use at your own risk
dynamic_thumbnails: false

# A list of thumbnail sizes to be pre-generated for downloaded remote / uploaded content
# method is one of crop or scale. If omitted, it will default to scale.
# crop scales to fill the requested dimensions and crops the excess.
# scale scales to fit the requested dimensions and one dimension may be smaller than requested.
- width: 32
  height: 32
  method: crop
- width: 96
  height: 96
  method: crop
- width: 320
  height: 240
  method: scale
- width: 640
  height: 480
  method: scale
- width: 800
  height: 600
  method: scale