// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package base

import (
	_ "net/http/pprof"

	sentryhttp "github.com/getsentry/sentry-go/http"





//go:embed static/*.gotmpl
var staticContent embed.FS

// BaseDendrite is a base for creating new instances of dendrite. It parses
// command line flags and config, and exposes methods for creating various
// resources. All errors are handled by logging then exiting, so all methods
// should only be used during start up.
// Must be closed when shutting down.
type BaseDendrite struct {
	tracerCloser           io.Closer
	PublicClientAPIMux     *mux.Router
	PublicFederationAPIMux *mux.Router
	PublicKeyAPIMux        *mux.Router
	PublicMediaAPIMux      *mux.Router
	PublicWellKnownAPIMux  *mux.Router
	PublicStaticMux        *mux.Router
	DendriteAdminMux       *mux.Router
	SynapseAdminMux        *mux.Router
	NATS                   *jetstream.NATSInstance
	Cfg                    *config.Dendrite
	Caches                 *caching.Caches
	DNSCache               *gomatrixserverlib.DNSCache
	Database               *sql.DB
	DatabaseWriter         sqlutil.Writer
	EnableMetrics          bool
	Fulltext               *fulltext.Search
	startupLock            sync.Mutex

const HTTPServerTimeout = time.Minute * 5

type BaseDendriteOptions int

const (
	DisableMetrics BaseDendriteOptions = iota

// NewBaseDendrite creates a new instance to be used by a component.
func NewBaseDendrite(cfg *config.Dendrite, options ...BaseDendriteOptions) *BaseDendrite {
	enableMetrics := true
	for _, opt := range options {
		switch opt {
		case DisableMetrics:
			enableMetrics = false

	configErrors := &config.ConfigErrors{}
	if len(*configErrors) > 0 {
		for _, err := range *configErrors {
			logrus.Errorf("Configuration error: %s", err)
		logrus.Fatalf("Failed to start due to configuration errors")


	logrus.Infof("Dendrite version %s", internal.VersionString())

	if !cfg.ClientAPI.RegistrationDisabled && cfg.ClientAPI.OpenRegistrationWithoutVerificationEnabled {
		logrus.Warn("Open registration is enabled")

	closer, err := cfg.SetupTracing()
	if err != nil {
		logrus.WithError(err).Panicf("failed to start opentracing")

	var fts *fulltext.Search
	if cfg.SyncAPI.Fulltext.Enabled {
		fts, err = fulltext.New(cfg.SyncAPI.Fulltext)
		if err != nil {
			logrus.WithError(err).Panicf("failed to create full text")

	if cfg.Global.Sentry.Enabled {
		logrus.Info("Setting up Sentry for debugging...")
		err = sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
			Dsn:              cfg.Global.Sentry.DSN,
			Environment:      cfg.Global.Sentry.Environment,
			Debug:            true,
			ServerName:       string(cfg.Global.ServerName),
			Release:          "dendrite@" + internal.VersionString(),
			AttachStacktrace: true,
		if err != nil {
			logrus.WithError(err).Panic("failed to start Sentry")

	var dnsCache *gomatrixserverlib.DNSCache
	if cfg.Global.DNSCache.Enabled {
		dnsCache = gomatrixserverlib.NewDNSCache(
			"DNS cache enabled (size %d, lifetime %s)",

	// If we're in monolith mode, we'll set up a global pool of database
	// connections. A component is welcome to use this pool if they don't
	// have a separate database config of their own.
	var db *sql.DB
	var writer sqlutil.Writer
	if cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions.ConnectionString != "" {
		if cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions.ConnectionString.IsSQLite() {
			logrus.Panic("Using a global database connection pool is not supported with SQLite databases")
		writer = sqlutil.NewDummyWriter()
		if db, err = sqlutil.Open(&cfg.Global.DatabaseOptions, writer); err != nil {
			logrus.WithError(err).Panic("Failed to set up global database connections")
		logrus.Debug("Using global database connection pool")

	// Ideally we would only use SkipClean on routes which we know can allow '/' but due to
	// https://github.com/gorilla/mux/issues/460 we have to attach this at the top router.
	// When used in conjunction with UseEncodedPath() we get the behaviour we want when parsing
	// path parameters:
	// /foo/bar%2Fbaz    == [foo, bar%2Fbaz]  (from UseEncodedPath)
	// /foo/bar%2F%2Fbaz == [foo, bar%2F%2Fbaz] (from SkipClean)
	// In particular, rooms v3 event IDs are not urlsafe and can include '/' and because they
	// are randomly generated it results in flakey tests.
	// We need to be careful with media APIs if they read from a filesystem to make sure they
	// are not inadvertently reading paths without cleaning, else this could introduce a
	// directory traversal attack e.g /../../../etc/passwd

	return &BaseDendrite{
		ProcessContext:         process.NewProcessContext(),
		tracerCloser:           closer,
		Cfg:                    cfg,
		Caches:                 caching.NewRistrettoCache(cfg.Global.Cache.EstimatedMaxSize, cfg.Global.Cache.MaxAge, enableMetrics),
		DNSCache:               dnsCache,
		PublicClientAPIMux:     mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicClientPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		PublicFederationAPIMux: mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicFederationPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		PublicKeyAPIMux:        mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicKeyPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		PublicMediaAPIMux:      mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicMediaPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		PublicWellKnownAPIMux:  mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicWellKnownPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		PublicStaticMux:        mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.PublicStaticPath).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		DendriteAdminMux:       mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.DendriteAdminPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		SynapseAdminMux:        mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).PathPrefix(httputil.SynapseAdminPathPrefix).Subrouter().UseEncodedPath(),
		NATS:                   &jetstream.NATSInstance{},
		Database:               db,     // set if monolith with global connection pool only
		DatabaseWriter:         writer, // set if monolith with global connection pool only
		EnableMetrics:          enableMetrics,
		Fulltext:               fts,

// Close implements io.Closer
func (b *BaseDendrite) Close() error {
	return b.tracerCloser.Close()

// DatabaseConnection assists in setting up a database connection. It accepts
// the database properties and a new writer for the given component. If we're
// running in monolith mode with a global connection pool configured then we
// will return that connection, along with the global writer, effectively
// ignoring the options provided. Otherwise we'll open a new database connection
// using the supplied options and writer. Note that it's possible for the pointer
// receiver to be nil here – that's deliberate as some of the unit tests don't
// have a BaseDendrite and just want a connection with the supplied config
// without any pooling stuff.
func (b *BaseDendrite) DatabaseConnection(dbProperties *config.DatabaseOptions, writer sqlutil.Writer) (*sql.DB, sqlutil.Writer, error) {
	if dbProperties.ConnectionString != "" || b == nil {
		// Open a new database connection using the supplied config.
		db, err := sqlutil.Open(dbProperties, writer)
		return db, writer, err
	if b.Database != nil && b.DatabaseWriter != nil {
		// Ignore the supplied config and return the global pool and
		// writer.
		return b.Database, b.DatabaseWriter, nil
	return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no database connections configured")

// PushGatewayHTTPClient returns a new client for interacting with (external) Push Gateways.
func (b *BaseDendrite) PushGatewayHTTPClient() pushgateway.Client {
	return pushgateway.NewHTTPClient(b.Cfg.UserAPI.PushGatewayDisableTLSValidation)

// CreateClient creates a new client (normally used for media fetch requests).
// Should only be called once per component.
func (b *BaseDendrite) CreateClient() *gomatrixserverlib.Client {
	if b.Cfg.Global.DisableFederation {
		return gomatrixserverlib.NewClient(
	opts := []gomatrixserverlib.ClientOption{
	if b.Cfg.Global.DNSCache.Enabled {
		opts = append(opts, gomatrixserverlib.WithDNSCache(b.DNSCache))
	client := gomatrixserverlib.NewClient(opts...)
	client.SetUserAgent(fmt.Sprintf("Dendrite/%s", internal.VersionString()))
	return client

// CreateFederationClient creates a new federation client. Should only be called
// once per component.
func (b *BaseDendrite) CreateFederationClient() *gomatrixserverlib.FederationClient {
	identities := b.Cfg.Global.SigningIdentities()
	if b.Cfg.Global.DisableFederation {
		return gomatrixserverlib.NewFederationClient(
			identities, gomatrixserverlib.WithTransport(noOpHTTPTransport),
	opts := []gomatrixserverlib.ClientOption{
		gomatrixserverlib.WithTimeout(time.Minute * 5),
	if b.Cfg.Global.DNSCache.Enabled {
		opts = append(opts, gomatrixserverlib.WithDNSCache(b.DNSCache))
	client := gomatrixserverlib.NewFederationClient(
		identities, opts...,
	client.SetUserAgent(fmt.Sprintf("Dendrite/%s", internal.VersionString()))
	return client

func (b *BaseDendrite) configureHTTPErrors() {
	notAllowedHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		_, _ = w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("405 %s not allowed on this endpoint", r.Method)))

	clientNotFoundHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
		_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errcode":"M_UNRECOGNIZED","error":"Unrecognized request"}`)) // nolint:misspell

	notFoundCORSHandler := httputil.WrapHandlerInCORS(http.NotFoundHandler())
	notAllowedCORSHandler := httputil.WrapHandlerInCORS(http.HandlerFunc(notAllowedHandler))

	for _, router := range []*mux.Router{
		b.PublicMediaAPIMux, b.DendriteAdminMux,
		b.SynapseAdminMux, b.PublicWellKnownAPIMux,
	} {
		router.NotFoundHandler = notFoundCORSHandler
		router.MethodNotAllowedHandler = notAllowedCORSHandler

	// Special case so that we don't upset clients on the CS API.
	b.PublicClientAPIMux.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(clientNotFoundHandler)
	b.PublicClientAPIMux.MethodNotAllowedHandler = http.HandlerFunc(clientNotFoundHandler)

func (b *BaseDendrite) ConfigureAdminEndpoints() {
	b.DendriteAdminMux.HandleFunc("/monitor/up", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	b.DendriteAdminMux.HandleFunc("/monitor/health", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if isDegraded, reasons := b.ProcessContext.IsDegraded(); isDegraded {
			_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(struct {
				Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
				Warnings: reasons,

// SetupAndServeHTTP sets up the HTTP server to serve client & federation APIs
// and adds a prometheus handler under /_dendrite/metrics.
func (b *BaseDendrite) SetupAndServeHTTP(
	externalHTTPAddr config.ServerAddress,
	certFile, keyFile *string,
) {
	// Manually unlocked right before actually serving requests,
	// as we don't return from this method (defer doesn't work).

	externalRouter := mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).UseEncodedPath()

	externalServ := &http.Server{
		Addr:         externalHTTPAddr.Address,
		WriteTimeout: HTTPServerTimeout,
		Handler:      externalRouter,
		BaseContext: func(_ net.Listener) context.Context {
			return b.ProcessContext.Context()


	//Redirect for Landing Page
	externalRouter.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		http.Redirect(w, r, httputil.PublicStaticPath, http.StatusFound)

	if b.Cfg.Global.Metrics.Enabled {
		externalRouter.Handle("/metrics", httputil.WrapHandlerInBasicAuth(promhttp.Handler(), b.Cfg.Global.Metrics.BasicAuth))


	// Parse and execute the landing page template
	tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFS(staticContent, "static/*.gotmpl"))
	landingPage := &bytes.Buffer{}
	if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(landingPage, "index.gotmpl", map[string]string{
		"Version": internal.VersionString(),
	}); err != nil {
		logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to execute landing page template")

	b.PublicStaticMux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		_, _ = w.Write(landingPage.Bytes())

	var clientHandler http.Handler
	clientHandler = b.PublicClientAPIMux
	if b.Cfg.Global.Sentry.Enabled {
		sentryHandler := sentryhttp.New(sentryhttp.Options{
			Repanic: true,
		clientHandler = sentryHandler.Handle(b.PublicClientAPIMux)
	var federationHandler http.Handler
	federationHandler = b.PublicFederationAPIMux
	if b.Cfg.Global.Sentry.Enabled {
		sentryHandler := sentryhttp.New(sentryhttp.Options{
			Repanic: true,
		federationHandler = sentryHandler.Handle(b.PublicFederationAPIMux)
	if !b.Cfg.Global.DisableFederation {


	if externalHTTPAddr.Enabled() {
		go func() {
			var externalShutdown atomic.Bool // RegisterOnShutdown can be called more than once
			logrus.Infof("Starting external listener on %s", externalServ.Addr)
			externalServ.RegisterOnShutdown(func() {
				if externalShutdown.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
					logrus.Infof("Stopped external HTTP listener")
			if certFile != nil && keyFile != nil {
				if err := externalServ.ListenAndServeTLS(*certFile, *keyFile); err != nil {
					if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
						logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to serve HTTPS")
			} else {
				if externalHTTPAddr.IsUnixSocket() {
					err := os.Remove(externalHTTPAddr.Address)
					if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
						logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to remove existing unix socket")
					listener, err := net.Listen(externalHTTPAddr.Network(), externalHTTPAddr.Address)
					if err != nil {
						logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to serve unix socket")
					err = os.Chmod(externalHTTPAddr.Address, externalHTTPAddr.UnixSocketPermission)
					if err != nil {
						logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to set unix socket permissions")
					if err := externalServ.Serve(listener); err != nil {
						if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
							logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to serve unix socket")

				} else {
					if err := externalServ.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
						if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
							logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("failed to serve HTTP")
			logrus.Infof("Stopped external listener on %s", externalServ.Addr)


	logrus.Infof("Stopping HTTP listeners")
	_ = externalServ.Shutdown(context.Background())
	logrus.Infof("Stopped HTTP listeners")

func (b *BaseDendrite) WaitForShutdown() {
	sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
	select {
	case <-sigs:
	case <-b.ProcessContext.WaitForShutdown():
	signal.Reset(syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

	logrus.Warnf("Shutdown signal received")

	if b.Cfg.Global.Sentry.Enabled {
		if !sentry.Flush(time.Second * 5) {
			logrus.Warnf("failed to flush all Sentry events!")
	if b.Fulltext != nil {
		err := b.Fulltext.Close()
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("failed to close full text search!")

	logrus.Warnf("Dendrite is exiting now")