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synced 2025-03-10 19:54:27 -05:00
Based on https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/pull/3342 Adds `GET /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/{reportID}` and `DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/{reportID}`
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// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
// Copyright 2019-2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package api
import (
// QueryLatestEventsAndStateRequest is a request to QueryLatestEventsAndState
type QueryLatestEventsAndStateRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the latest events for.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The state key tuples to fetch from the room current state.
// If this list is empty or nil then *ALL* current state events are returned.
StateToFetch []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple `json:"state_to_fetch"`
// QueryLatestEventsAndStateResponse is a response to QueryLatestEventsAndState
// This is used when sending events to set the prev_events, auth_events and depth.
// It is also used to tell whether the event is allowed by the event auth rules.
type QueryLatestEventsAndStateResponse struct {
// Does the room exist?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and LatestEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// The latest events in the room.
// These are used to set the prev_events when sending an event.
LatestEvents []string `json:"latest_events"`
// The state events requested.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
// These are used to set the auth_events when sending an event.
// These are used to check whether the event is allowed.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
// The depth of the latest events.
// This is one greater than the maximum depth of the latest events.
// This is used to set the depth when sending an event.
Depth int64 `json:"depth"`
// QueryStateAfterEventsRequest is a request to QueryStateAfterEvents
type QueryStateAfterEventsRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the state in.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The list of previous events to return the events after.
PrevEventIDs []string `json:"prev_event_ids"`
// The state key tuples to fetch from the state. If none are specified then
// the entire resolved room state will be returned.
StateToFetch []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple `json:"state_to_fetch"`
// QueryStateAfterEventsResponse is a response to QueryStateAfterEvents
type QueryStateAfterEventsResponse struct {
// Does the room exist on this roomserver?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// Do all the previous events exist on this roomserver?
// If some of previous events do not exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
PrevEventsExist bool `json:"prev_events_exist"`
// The state events requested.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
// QueryEventsByIDRequest is a request to QueryEventsByID
type QueryEventsByIDRequest struct {
// The roomID to query events for. If this is empty, we first try to fetch the roomID from the database
// as this is needed for further processing/parsing events.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The event IDs to look up.
EventIDs []string `json:"event_ids"`
// QueryEventsByIDResponse is a response to QueryEventsByID
type QueryEventsByIDResponse struct {
// A list of events with the requested IDs.
// If the roomserver does not have a copy of a requested event
// then it will omit that event from the list.
// If the roomserver thinks it has a copy of the event, but
// fails to read it from the database then it will fail
// the entire request.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
Events []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"events"`
// QueryMembershipForUserRequest is a request to QueryMembership
type QueryMembershipForUserRequest struct {
// ID of the room to fetch membership from
RoomID string
// ID of the user for whom membership is requested
UserID spec.UserID
// QueryMembershipForUserResponse is a response to QueryMembership
type QueryMembershipForUserResponse struct {
// The EventID of the latest "m.room.member" event for the sender,
// if HasBeenInRoom is true.
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
// True if the user has been in room before and has either stayed in it or left it.
HasBeenInRoom bool `json:"has_been_in_room"`
// True if the user is in room.
IsInRoom bool `json:"is_in_room"`
// The current membership
Membership string `json:"membership"`
// True if the user asked to forget this room.
IsRoomForgotten bool `json:"is_room_forgotten"`
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The sender ID of the user in the room, if it exists
SenderID *spec.SenderID
// QueryMembershipsForRoomRequest is a request to QueryMembershipsForRoom
type QueryMembershipsForRoomRequest struct {
// If true, only returns the membership events of "join" membership
JoinedOnly bool `json:"joined_only"`
// If true, only returns the membership events of local users
LocalOnly bool `json:"local_only"`
// ID of the room to fetch memberships from
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// Optional - ID of the user sending the request, for checking if the
// user is allowed to see the memberships. If not specified then all
// room memberships will be returned.
SenderID spec.SenderID `json:"sender"`
// QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse is a response to QueryMembershipsForRoom
type QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse struct {
// The "m.room.member" events (of "join" membership) in the client format
JoinEvents []synctypes.ClientEvent `json:"join_events"`
// True if the user has been in room before and has either stayed in it or
// left it.
HasBeenInRoom bool `json:"has_been_in_room"`
// True if the user asked to forget this room.
IsRoomForgotten bool `json:"is_room_forgotten"`
// QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest is a request to QueryServerJoinedToRoom
type QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest struct {
// Server name of the server to find. If not specified, we will
// default to checking if the local server is joined.
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// ID of the room to see if we are still joined to
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse is a response to QueryServerJoinedToRoom
type QueryServerJoinedToRoomResponse struct {
// True if the room exists on the server
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// True if we still believe that the server is participating in the room
IsInRoom bool `json:"is_in_room"`
// The roomversion if joined to room
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion
// QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventRequest is a request to QueryServerAllowedToSeeEvent
type QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventRequest struct {
// The event ID to look up invites in.
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
// The server interested in the event
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventResponse is a response to QueryServerAllowedToSeeEvent
type QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventResponse struct {
// Wether the server in question is allowed to see the event
AllowedToSeeEvent bool `json:"can_see_event"`
// QueryMissingEventsRequest is a request to QueryMissingEvents
type QueryMissingEventsRequest struct {
// Events which are known previous to the gap in the timeline.
EarliestEvents []string `json:"earliest_events"`
// Latest known events.
LatestEvents []string `json:"latest_events"`
// Limit the number of events this query returns.
Limit int `json:"limit"`
// The server interested in the event
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// QueryMissingEventsResponse is a response to QueryMissingEvents
type QueryMissingEventsResponse struct {
// Missing events, arbritrary order.
Events []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"events"`
// QueryStateAndAuthChainRequest is a request to QueryStateAndAuthChain
type QueryStateAndAuthChainRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the state in.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The list of prev events for the event. Used to calculate the state at
// the event.
PrevEventIDs []string `json:"prev_event_ids"`
// The list of auth events for the event. Used to calculate the auth chain
AuthEventIDs []string `json:"auth_event_ids"`
// If true, the auth chain events for the auth event IDs given will be fetched only. Prev event IDs are ignored.
// If false, state and auth chain events for the prev event IDs and entire current state will be included.
// TODO: not a great API shape. It serves 2 main uses: false=>response for send_join, true=>response for /event_auth
OnlyFetchAuthChain bool `json:"only_fetch_auth_chain"`
// Should state resolution be ran on the result events?
// TODO: check call sites and remove if we always want to do state res
ResolveState bool `json:"resolve_state"`
// QueryStateAndAuthChainResponse is a response to QueryStateAndAuthChain
type QueryStateAndAuthChainResponse struct {
// Does the room exist on this roomserver?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// Do all the previous events exist on this roomserver?
// If some of previous events do not exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
PrevEventsExist bool `json:"prev_events_exist"`
StateKnown bool `json:"state_known"`
// The state and auth chain events that were requested.
// The lists will be in an arbitrary order.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
AuthChainEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"auth_chain_events"`
// True if the queried event was rejected earlier.
IsRejected bool `json:"is_rejected"`
// QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest asks for the room version for a given room.
type QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest struct {
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// QueryRoomVersionForRoomResponse is a response to QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest
type QueryRoomVersionForRoomResponse struct {
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
type QueryPublishedRoomsRequest struct {
// Optional. If specified, returns whether this room is published or not.
RoomID string
NetworkID string
IncludeAllNetworks bool
type QueryPublishedRoomsResponse struct {
// The list of published rooms.
RoomIDs []string
type QueryAuthChainRequest struct {
EventIDs []string
type QueryAuthChainResponse struct {
AuthChain []*types.HeaderedEvent
type QuerySharedUsersRequest struct {
UserID string
OtherUserIDs []string
ExcludeRoomIDs []string
IncludeRoomIDs []string
LocalOnly bool
type QuerySharedUsersResponse struct {
UserIDsToCount map[string]int
type QueryBulkStateContentRequest struct {
// Returns state events in these rooms
RoomIDs []string
// If true, treats the '*' StateKey as "all state events of this type" rather than a literal value of '*'
AllowWildcards bool
// The state events to return. Only a small subset of tuples are allowed in this request as only certain events
// have their content fields extracted. Specifically, the tuple Type must be one of:
// m.room.avatar
// m.room.create
// m.room.canonical_alias
// m.room.guest_access
// m.room.history_visibility
// m.room.join_rules
// m.room.member
// m.room.name
// m.room.topic
// Any other tuple type will result in the query failing.
StateTuples []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple
type QueryBulkStateContentResponse struct {
// map of room ID -> tuple -> content_value
Rooms map[string]map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string
type QueryCurrentStateRequest struct {
RoomID string
AllowWildcards bool
// State key tuples. If a state_key has '*' and AllowWidlcards is true, returns all matching
// state events with that event type.
StateTuples []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple
type QueryCurrentStateResponse struct {
StateEvents map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]*types.HeaderedEvent
type QueryKnownUsersRequest struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
SearchString string `json:"search_string"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
type QueryKnownUsersResponse struct {
Users []authtypes.FullyQualifiedProfile `json:"profiles"`
type QueryServerBannedFromRoomRequest struct {
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
type QueryServerBannedFromRoomResponse struct {
Banned bool `json:"banned"`
type QueryAdminEventReportsResponse struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Score int64 `json:"score"`
EventNID types.EventNID `json:"-"` // only used to query the state
RoomNID types.RoomNID `json:"-"` // only used to query the state
ReportingUserNID types.EventStateKeyNID `json:"-"` // only used in the DB
SenderNID types.EventStateKeyNID `json:"-"` // only used in the DB
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"` // the user reporting the event
Reason string `json:"reason"`
Sender string `json:"sender"` // the user sending the reported event
CanonicalAlias string `json:"canonical_alias"`
RoomName string `json:"name"`
ReceivedTS spec.Timestamp `json:"received_ts"`
type QueryAdminEventReportResponse struct {
EventJSON json.RawMessage `json:"event_json"`
// MarshalJSON stringifies the room ID and StateKeyTuple keys so they can be sent over the wire in HTTP API mode.
func (r *QueryBulkStateContentResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
se := make(map[string]string)
for roomID, tupleToEvent := range r.Rooms {
for tuple, event := range tupleToEvent {
// use 0x1F (unit separator) as the delimiter between room ID/type/state key,
se[fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1F%s\x1F%s", roomID, tuple.EventType, tuple.StateKey)] = event
return json.Marshal(se)
func (r *QueryBulkStateContentResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
wireFormat := make(map[string]string)
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &wireFormat)
if err != nil {
return err
r.Rooms = make(map[string]map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string)
for roomTuple, value := range wireFormat {
fields := strings.Split(roomTuple, "\x1F")
roomID := fields[0]
if r.Rooms[roomID] == nil {
r.Rooms[roomID] = make(map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string)
EventType: fields[1],
StateKey: fields[2],
}] = value
return nil
// MarshalJSON stringifies the StateKeyTuple keys so they can be sent over the wire in HTTP API mode.
func (r *QueryCurrentStateResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
se := make(map[string]*types.HeaderedEvent, len(r.StateEvents))
for k, v := range r.StateEvents {
// use 0x1F (unit separator) as the delimiter between type/state key,
se[fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1F%s", k.EventType, k.StateKey)] = v
return json.Marshal(se)
func (r *QueryCurrentStateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
res := make(map[string]*types.HeaderedEvent)
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &res)
if err != nil {
return err
r.StateEvents = make(map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]*types.HeaderedEvent, len(res))
for k, v := range res {
fields := strings.Split(k, "\x1F")
EventType: fields[0],
StateKey: fields[1],
}] = v
return nil
// QueryLeftUsersRequest is a request to calculate users that we (the server) don't share a
// a room with anymore. This is used to cleanup stale device list entries, where we would
// otherwise keep on trying to get device lists.
type QueryLeftUsersRequest struct {
StaleDeviceListUsers []string `json:"user_ids"`
// QueryLeftUsersResponse is the response to QueryLeftUsersRequest.
type QueryLeftUsersResponse struct {
LeftUsers []string `json:"user_ids"`
type JoinRoomQuerier struct {
Roomserver RestrictedJoinAPI
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) CurrentStateEvent(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, eventType string, stateKey string) (gomatrixserverlib.PDU, error) {
return rq.Roomserver.CurrentStateEvent(ctx, roomID, eventType, stateKey)
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) InvitePending(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID) (bool, error) {
return rq.Roomserver.InvitePending(ctx, roomID, senderID)
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) RestrictedRoomJoinInfo(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID, localServerName spec.ServerName) (*gomatrixserverlib.RestrictedRoomJoinInfo, error) {
roomInfo, err := rq.Roomserver.QueryRoomInfo(ctx, roomID)
if err != nil || roomInfo == nil || roomInfo.IsStub() {
return nil, err
req := QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest{
ServerName: localServerName,
RoomID: roomID.String(),
res := QueryServerJoinedToRoomResponse{}
if err = rq.Roomserver.QueryServerJoinedToRoom(ctx, &req, &res); err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.QueryServerJoinedToRoom failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: Failed to query room: %w", err)
userJoinedToRoom, err := rq.Roomserver.UserJoinedToRoom(ctx, types.RoomNID(roomInfo.RoomNID), senderID)
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.UserJoinedToRoom failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: %w", err)
locallyJoinedUsers, err := rq.Roomserver.LocallyJoinedUsers(ctx, roomInfo.RoomVersion, types.RoomNID(roomInfo.RoomNID))
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.GetLocallyJoinedUsers failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: %w", err)
return &gomatrixserverlib.RestrictedRoomJoinInfo{
LocalServerInRoom: res.RoomExists && res.IsInRoom,
UserJoinedToRoom: userJoinedToRoom,
JoinedUsers: locallyJoinedUsers,
}, nil
type MembershipQuerier struct {
Roomserver FederationRoomserverAPI
func (mq *MembershipQuerier) CurrentMembership(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID) (string, error) {
res := QueryMembershipForUserResponse{}
err := mq.Roomserver.QueryMembershipForSenderID(ctx, roomID, senderID, &res)
membership := ""
if err == nil {
membership = res.Membership
return membership, err
type QueryRoomHierarchyRequest struct {
SuggestedOnly bool `json:"suggested_only"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"`
From int `json:"json"`
// A struct storing the intermediate state of a room hierarchy query for pagination purposes.
// Used for implementing space summaries / room hierarchies
// Use NewRoomHierarchyWalker to construct this, and QueryNextRoomHierarchyPage on the roomserver API
// to traverse the room hierarchy.
type RoomHierarchyWalker struct {
RootRoomID spec.RoomID
Caller types.DeviceOrServerName
SuggestedOnly bool
MaxDepth int
Processed RoomSet
Unvisited []RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom
type RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom struct {
RoomID spec.RoomID
ParentRoomID *spec.RoomID
Depth int
Vias []string // vias to query this room by
// Create a new room hierarchy walker, starting from the provided root room ID.
// Use the resulting struct with QueryNextRoomHierarchyPage on the roomserver API to traverse the room hierarchy.
func NewRoomHierarchyWalker(caller types.DeviceOrServerName, roomID spec.RoomID, suggestedOnly bool, maxDepth int) RoomHierarchyWalker {
walker := RoomHierarchyWalker{
RootRoomID: roomID,
Caller: caller,
SuggestedOnly: suggestedOnly,
MaxDepth: maxDepth,
Unvisited: []RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom{{
RoomID: roomID,
ParentRoomID: nil,
Depth: 0,
Processed: NewRoomSet(),
return walker
// A set of room IDs.
type RoomSet map[spec.RoomID]struct{}
// Create a new empty room set.
func NewRoomSet() RoomSet {
return RoomSet{}
// Check if a room ID is in a room set.
func (s RoomSet) Contains(val spec.RoomID) bool {
_, ok := s[val]
return ok
// Add a room ID to a room set.
func (s RoomSet) Add(val spec.RoomID) {
s[val] = struct{}{}
func (s RoomSet) Copy() RoomSet {
copied := make(RoomSet, len(s))
for k := range s {
return copied