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synced 2025-03-21 09:04:28 -05:00
This is meant to cache client presence for a moment so that it doesn't oscillate. Currently Dendrite just federates out whatever presence it gets from the sync loop, which means if theres any clients attempting to sync without setting the user online, and there is an online client, it will just flip back and forth each time one of the clients polls /sync. This pull request essentially stores in a map when the client last set online ideally to allow the online client to sync again and set an online presence before setting idle or offline. I am not great at programming nor am I familiar with this codebase so if this pr is just shitwater feel free to discard, just trying to fix an issue that severely bothers me. If it is easier you can also steal the code and write it in yourself. I ran the linter, not sure that it did anything, the vscode go extension seems to format and lint anyways. I tried to run unit tests but I have no idea any of this thing. it errors on `TestRequestPool_updatePresence/same_presence_is_not_published_dummy2 (10m0s)` which I think making this change broke. I am unsure how to comply, if y'all point me in the right direction ill try to fix it. I have tested it with all the situations I can think of on my personal instance pain.agency, and this seems to stand up under all the previously bugged situations. ~~My go also decided to update a bunch of the dependencies, I hate git and github and have no idea how to fix that, it was not intentional.~~ i just overwrote them with the ones from the main repo and committed it, seems to have done what was needed. ### Pull Request Checklist <!-- Please read https://matrix-org.github.io/dendrite/development/contributing before submitting your pull request --> * [x] I have added Go unit tests or [Complement integration tests](https://github.com/matrix-org/complement) for this PR _or_ I have justified why this PR doesn't need tests * [x] Pull request includes a [sign off below using a legally identifiable name](https://matrix-org.github.io/dendrite/development/contributing#sign-off) _or_ I have already signed off privately Signed-off-by: `Joseph Winkie <jjj333.p.1325@gmail.com>` --------- Co-authored-by: Till Faelligen <2353100+S7evinK@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Copyright 2017-2018 New Vector Ltd
// Copyright 2019-2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sync
import (
roomserverAPI "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/roomserver/api"
userapi "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/userapi/api"
// RequestPool manages HTTP long-poll connections for /sync
type RequestPool struct {
db storage.Database
cfg *config.SyncAPI
userAPI userapi.SyncUserAPI
rsAPI roomserverAPI.SyncRoomserverAPI
lastseen *sync.Map
presence *sync.Map
streams *streams.Streams
Notifier *notifier.Notifier
producer PresencePublisher
consumer PresenceConsumer
type PresencePublisher interface {
SendPresence(userID string, presence types.Presence, statusMsg *string) error
type PresenceConsumer interface {
EmitPresence(ctx context.Context, userID string, presence types.Presence, statusMsg *string, ts spec.Timestamp, fromSync bool)
// NewRequestPool makes a new RequestPool
func NewRequestPool(
db storage.Database, cfg *config.SyncAPI,
userAPI userapi.SyncUserAPI,
rsAPI roomserverAPI.SyncRoomserverAPI,
streams *streams.Streams, notifier *notifier.Notifier,
producer PresencePublisher, consumer PresenceConsumer, enableMetrics bool,
) *RequestPool {
if enableMetrics {
activeSyncRequests, waitingSyncRequests,
rp := &RequestPool{
db: db,
cfg: cfg,
userAPI: userAPI,
rsAPI: rsAPI,
lastseen: &sync.Map{},
presence: &sync.Map{},
streams: streams,
Notifier: notifier,
producer: producer,
consumer: consumer,
go rp.cleanLastSeen()
go rp.cleanPresence(db, time.Minute*5)
return rp
func (rp *RequestPool) cleanLastSeen() {
for {
rp.lastseen.Range(func(key interface{}, _ interface{}) bool {
return true
func (rp *RequestPool) cleanPresence(db storage.Presence, cleanupTime time.Duration) {
if !rp.cfg.Matrix.Presence.EnableOutbound {
for {
rp.presence.Range(func(key interface{}, v interface{}) bool {
p := v.(types.PresenceInternal)
if time.Since(p.LastActiveTS.Time()) > cleanupTime {
rp.updatePresence(db, types.PresenceUnavailable.String(), p.UserID)
return true
// set a unix timestamp of when it last saw the types
// this way it can filter based on time
type PresenceMap struct {
mu sync.Mutex
seen map[string]map[types.Presence]time.Time
var lastPresence PresenceMap
// how long before the online status expires
// should be long enough that any client will have another sync before expiring
const presenceTimeout = time.Second * 10
// updatePresence sends presence updates to the SyncAPI and FederationAPI
func (rp *RequestPool) updatePresence(db storage.Presence, presence string, userID string) {
// allow checking back on presence to set offline if needed
rp.updatePresenceInternal(db, presence, userID, true)
func (rp *RequestPool) updatePresenceInternal(db storage.Presence, presence string, userID string, checkAgain bool) {
if !rp.cfg.Matrix.Presence.EnableOutbound {
// lock the map to this thread
defer lastPresence.mu.Unlock()
if presence == "" {
presence = types.PresenceOnline.String()
presenceID, ok := types.PresenceFromString(presence)
if !ok { // this should almost never happen
newPresence := types.PresenceInternal{
Presence: presenceID,
UserID: userID,
LastActiveTS: spec.AsTimestamp(time.Now()),
// make sure that the map is defined correctly as needed
if lastPresence.seen == nil {
lastPresence.seen = make(map[string]map[types.Presence]time.Time)
if lastPresence.seen[userID] == nil {
lastPresence.seen[userID] = make(map[types.Presence]time.Time)
now := time.Now()
// update time for each presence
lastPresence.seen[userID][presenceID] = now
// Default to unknown presence
presenceToSet := types.PresenceUnknown
switch {
case now.Sub(lastPresence.seen[userID][types.PresenceOnline]) < presenceTimeout:
// online will always get priority
presenceToSet = types.PresenceOnline
case now.Sub(lastPresence.seen[userID][types.PresenceUnavailable]) < presenceTimeout:
// idle gets secondary priority because your presence shouldnt be idle if you are on a different device
// kinda copying discord presence
presenceToSet = types.PresenceUnavailable
case now.Sub(lastPresence.seen[userID][types.PresenceOffline]) < presenceTimeout:
// only set offline status if there is no known online devices
// clients may set offline to attempt to not alter the online status of the user
presenceToSet = types.PresenceOffline
if checkAgain {
// after a timeout, check presence again to make sure it gets set as offline sooner or later
time.AfterFunc(presenceTimeout, func() {
rp.updatePresenceInternal(db, types.PresenceOffline.String(), userID, false)
// ensure we also send the current status_msg to federated servers and not nil
dbPresence, err := db.GetPresences(context.Background(), []string{userID})
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
if len(dbPresence) > 0 && dbPresence[0] != nil {
newPresence.ClientFields = dbPresence[0].ClientFields
newPresence.ClientFields.Presence = presenceToSet.String()
defer rp.presence.Store(userID, newPresence)
// avoid spamming presence updates when syncing
existingPresence, ok := rp.presence.LoadOrStore(userID, newPresence)
if ok {
p := existingPresence.(types.PresenceInternal)
if p.ClientFields.Presence == newPresence.ClientFields.Presence {
if err := rp.producer.SendPresence(userID, presenceToSet, newPresence.ClientFields.StatusMsg); err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Error("Unable to publish presence message from sync")
// now synchronously update our view of the world. It's critical we do this before calculating
// the /sync response else we may not return presence: online immediately.
context.Background(), userID, presenceToSet, newPresence.ClientFields.StatusMsg,
spec.AsTimestamp(time.Now()), true,
func (rp *RequestPool) updateLastSeen(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) {
if _, ok := rp.lastseen.LoadOrStore(device.UserID+device.ID, struct{}{}); ok {
remoteAddr := req.RemoteAddr
if rp.cfg.RealIPHeader != "" {
if header := req.Header.Get(rp.cfg.RealIPHeader); header != "" {
// TODO: Maybe this isn't great but it will satisfy both X-Real-IP
// and X-Forwarded-For (which can be a list where the real client
// address is the first listed address). Make more intelligent?
addresses := strings.Split(header, ",")
if ip := net.ParseIP(addresses[0]); ip != nil {
remoteAddr = addresses[0]
lsreq := &userapi.PerformLastSeenUpdateRequest{
UserID: device.UserID,
DeviceID: device.ID,
RemoteAddr: remoteAddr,
UserAgent: req.UserAgent(),
lsres := &userapi.PerformLastSeenUpdateResponse{}
go rp.userAPI.PerformLastSeenUpdate(req.Context(), lsreq, lsres) // nolint:errcheck
rp.lastseen.Store(device.UserID+device.ID, time.Now())
var activeSyncRequests = prometheus.NewGauge(
Namespace: "dendrite",
Subsystem: "syncapi",
Name: "active_sync_requests",
Help: "The number of sync requests that are active right now",
var waitingSyncRequests = prometheus.NewGauge(
Namespace: "dendrite",
Subsystem: "syncapi",
Name: "waiting_sync_requests",
Help: "The number of sync requests that are waiting to be woken by a notifier",
// OnIncomingSyncRequest is called when a client makes a /sync request. This function MUST be
// called in a dedicated goroutine for this request. This function will block the goroutine
// until a response is ready, or it times out.
func (rp *RequestPool) OnIncomingSyncRequest(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) util.JSONResponse {
// Extract values from request
syncReq, err := newSyncRequest(req, *device, rp.db)
if err != nil {
if err == types.ErrMalformedSyncToken {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
JSON: spec.InvalidParam(err.Error()),
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
JSON: spec.Unknown(err.Error()),
defer activeSyncRequests.Dec()
rp.updateLastSeen(req, device)
rp.updatePresence(rp.db, req.FormValue("set_presence"), device.UserID)
defer waitingSyncRequests.Dec()
// Clean up old send-to-device messages from before this stream position.
// This is needed to avoid sending the same message multiple times
if err = rp.db.CleanSendToDeviceUpdates(syncReq.Context, syncReq.Device.UserID, syncReq.Device.ID, syncReq.Since.SendToDevicePosition); err != nil {
syncReq.Log.WithError(err).Error("p.DB.CleanSendToDeviceUpdates failed")
// loop until we get some data
for {
startTime := time.Now()
currentPos := rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition()
// if the since token matches the current positions, wait via the notifier
if !rp.shouldReturnImmediately(syncReq, currentPos) {
timer := time.NewTimer(syncReq.Timeout) // case of timeout=0 is handled above
defer timer.Stop()
userStreamListener := rp.Notifier.GetListener(*syncReq)
defer userStreamListener.Close()
giveup := func() util.JSONResponse {
syncReq.Log.Debugln("Responding to sync since client gave up or timeout was reached")
syncReq.Response.NextBatch = syncReq.Since
// We should always try to include OTKs in sync responses, otherwise clients might upload keys
// even if that's not required. See also:
// https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/29f06704b8871a44926f7c99e73cf4a978fb8e81/synapse/rest/client/sync.py#L276-L281
// Only try to get OTKs if the context isn't already done.
if syncReq.Context.Err() == nil {
err = internal.DeviceOTKCounts(syncReq.Context, rp.userAPI, syncReq.Device.UserID, syncReq.Device.ID, syncReq.Response)
if err != nil && err != context.Canceled {
syncReq.Log.WithError(err).Warn("failed to get OTK counts")
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusOK,
JSON: syncReq.Response,
select {
case <-syncReq.Context.Done(): // Caller gave up
return giveup()
case <-timer.C: // Timeout reached
return giveup()
case <-userStreamListener.GetNotifyChannel(syncReq.Since):
syncReq.Log.WithField("currentPos", currentPos).Debugln("Responding to sync after wake-up")
} else {
syncReq.Log.WithField("currentPos", currentPos).Debugln("Responding to sync immediately")
withTransaction := func(from types.StreamPosition, f func(snapshot storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition) types.StreamPosition {
var succeeded bool
snapshot, err := rp.db.NewDatabaseSnapshot(req.Context())
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Error("Failed to acquire database snapshot for sync request")
return from
defer func() {
succeeded = err == nil
sqlutil.EndTransactionWithCheck(snapshot, &succeeded, &err)
return f(snapshot)
if syncReq.Since.IsEmpty() {
// Complete sync
syncReq.Response.NextBatch = types.StreamingToken{
// Get the current DeviceListPosition first, as the currentPosition
// might advance while processing other streams, resulting in flakey
// tests.
DeviceListPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.DeviceListStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
PDUPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.PDUStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
TypingPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.TypingStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
ReceiptPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.ReceiptStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
InvitePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.InviteStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
SendToDevicePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.SendToDeviceStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
AccountDataPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.AccountDataStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
NotificationDataPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.NotificationDataStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
PresencePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.PresenceStreamProvider.CompleteSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
} else {
// Incremental sync
syncReq.Response.NextBatch = types.StreamingToken{
PDUPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.PDUStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.PDUPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().PDUPosition,
TypingPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.TypingStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.TypingPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().TypingPosition,
ReceiptPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.ReceiptStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.ReceiptPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().ReceiptPosition,
InvitePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.InviteStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.InvitePosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().InvitePosition,
SendToDevicePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.SendToDeviceStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.SendToDevicePosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().SendToDevicePosition,
AccountDataPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.AccountDataStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.AccountDataPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().AccountDataPosition,
NotificationDataPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.NotificationDataStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.NotificationDataPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().NotificationDataPosition,
DeviceListPosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.DeviceListStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.DeviceListPosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().DeviceListPosition,
PresencePosition: withTransaction(
func(txn storage.DatabaseTransaction) types.StreamPosition {
return rp.streams.PresenceStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(
syncReq.Context, txn, syncReq,
syncReq.Since.PresencePosition, rp.Notifier.CurrentPosition().PresencePosition,
// it's possible for there to be no updates for this user even though since < current pos,
// e.g busy servers with a quiet user. In this scenario, we don't want to return a no-op
// response immediately, so let's try this again but pretend they bumped their since token.
// If the incremental sync was processed very quickly then we expect the next loop to block
// with a notifier, but if things are slow it's entirely possible that currentPos is no
// longer the current position so we will hit this code path again. We need to do this and
// not return a no-op response because:
// - It's an inefficient use of bandwidth.
// - Some sytests which test 'waking up' sync rely on some sync requests to block, which
// they weren't always doing, resulting in flakey tests.
if !syncReq.Response.HasUpdates() {
syncReq.Since = currentPos
// do not loop again if the ?timeout= is 0 as that means "return immediately"
if syncReq.Timeout > 0 {
syncReq.Timeout = syncReq.Timeout - time.Since(startTime)
if syncReq.Timeout < 0 {
syncReq.Timeout = 0
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusOK,
JSON: syncReq.Response,
func (rp *RequestPool) OnIncomingKeyChangeRequest(req *http.Request, device *userapi.Device) util.JSONResponse {
from := req.URL.Query().Get("from")
to := req.URL.Query().Get("to")
if from == "" || to == "" {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: 400,
JSON: spec.InvalidParam("missing ?from= or ?to="),
fromToken, err := types.NewStreamTokenFromString(from)
if err != nil {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: 400,
JSON: spec.InvalidParam("bad 'from' value"),
toToken, err := types.NewStreamTokenFromString(to)
if err != nil {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: 400,
JSON: spec.InvalidParam("bad 'to' value"),
syncReq, err := newSyncRequest(req, *device, rp.db)
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(req.Context()).WithError(err).Error("newSyncRequest failed")
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
JSON: spec.InternalServerError{},
snapshot, err := rp.db.NewDatabaseSnapshot(req.Context())
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Error("Failed to acquire database snapshot for key change")
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
JSON: spec.InternalServerError{},
var succeeded bool
defer sqlutil.EndTransactionWithCheck(snapshot, &succeeded, &err)
rp.streams.PDUStreamProvider.IncrementalSync(req.Context(), snapshot, syncReq, fromToken.PDUPosition, toToken.PDUPosition)
_, _, err = internal.DeviceListCatchup(
req.Context(), snapshot, rp.userAPI, rp.rsAPI, syncReq.Device.UserID,
syncReq.Response, fromToken.DeviceListPosition, toToken.DeviceListPosition,
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(req.Context()).WithError(err).Error("Failed to DeviceListCatchup info")
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
JSON: spec.InternalServerError{},
succeeded = true
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: 200,
JSON: struct {
Changed []string `json:"changed"`
Left []string `json:"left"`
Changed: syncReq.Response.DeviceLists.Changed,
Left: syncReq.Response.DeviceLists.Left,
// shouldReturnImmediately returns whether the /sync request is an initial sync,
// or timeout=0, or full_state=true, in any of the cases the request should
// return immediately.
func (rp *RequestPool) shouldReturnImmediately(syncReq *types.SyncRequest, currentPos types.StreamingToken) bool {
if currentPos.IsAfter(syncReq.Since) || syncReq.Timeout == 0 || syncReq.WantFullState {
return true
return false