# Sample Caddyfile for using Caddy in front of Dendrite.
# Customize email address and domain names.
# Optional settings commented out.
# Documentation: https://caddyserver.com/docs/
# Bonus tip: If your IP address changes, use Caddy's
# dynamic DNS plugin to update your DNS records to
# point to your new IP automatically:
# https://github.com/mholt/caddy-dynamicdns

# Global options block
	# In case there is a problem with your certificates.
	# email example@example.com

	# Turn off the admin endpoint if you don't need graceful config
	# changes and/or are running untrusted code on your machine.
	# admin off

	# Enable this if your clients don't send ServerName in TLS handshakes.
	# default_sni example.com

	# Enable debug mode for verbose logging.
	# debug

	# Use Let's Encrypt's staging endpoint for testing.
	# acme_ca https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory

	# If you're port-forwarding HTTP/HTTPS ports from 80/443 to something
	# else, enable these and put the alternate port numbers here.
	# http_port  8080
	# https_port 8443

# The server name of your matrix homeserver. This example shows
# "well-known delegation" from the registered domain to a subdomain,
# which is only needed if your server_name doesn't match your Matrix
# homeserver URL (i.e. you can show users a vanity domain that looks
# nice and is easy to remember but still have your Matrix server on
# its own subdomain or hosted service).
example.com {
	header /.well-known/matrix/* Content-Type application/json
	header /.well-known/matrix/* Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
	respond /.well-known/matrix/server `{"m.server": "matrix.example.com:443"}`
	respond /.well-known/matrix/client `{"m.homeserver": {"base_url": "https://matrix.example.com"}}`

# The actual domain name whereby your Matrix server is accessed.
matrix.example.com {
	# Change the end of each reverse_proxy line to the correct
	# address for your various services.
	@sync_api {
		path_regexp /_matrix/client/.*?/(sync|user/.*?/filter/?.*|keys/changes|rooms/.*?/(messages|context/.*?|event/.*?))$
	reverse_proxy @sync_api sync_api:8073

	reverse_proxy /_matrix/client* client_api:8071
	reverse_proxy /_matrix/federation* federation_api:8071
	reverse_proxy /_matrix/key* federation_api:8071
	reverse_proxy /_matrix/media* media_api:8071