# Dendrite [![Build Status](https://badge.buildkite.com/4be40938ab19f2bbc4a6c6724517353ee3ec1422e279faf374.svg?branch=master)](https://buildkite.com/matrix-dot-org/dendrite) [![Dendrite Dev on Matrix](https://img.shields.io/matrix/dendrite-dev:matrix.org.svg?label=%23dendrite-dev%3Amatrix.org&logo=matrix&server_fqdn=matrix.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#dendrite-dev:matrix.org) [![Dendrite on Matrix](https://img.shields.io/matrix/dendrite:matrix.org.svg?label=%23dendrite%3Amatrix.org&logo=matrix&server_fqdn=matrix.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#dendrite:matrix.org)

Dendrite will be a second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go.

It's still very much a work in progress, but installation instructions can be
found in [INSTALL.md](docs/INSTALL.md). It is not recommended to use Dendrite as a
production homeserver at this time.

An overview of the design can be found in [DESIGN.md](docs/DESIGN.md).

# Contributing

Everyone is welcome to help out and contribute! See
[CONTRIBUTING.md](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started!

Please note that, as of February 2020, Dendrite now only targets Go 1.13 or
later. Please ensure that you are using at least Go 1.13 when developing for

# Discussion

For questions about Dendrite we have a dedicated room on Matrix
[#dendrite:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#dendrite:matrix.org). Development
discussion should happen in

# Progress

There's plenty still to do to make Dendrite usable! We're tracking progress in a
[project board](https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/projects/2).