// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package tables

import (


type AccountData interface {
	InsertAccountData(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID, roomID, dataType string) (pos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	// SelectAccountDataInRange returns a map of room ID to a list of `dataType`.
	SelectAccountDataInRange(ctx context.Context, userID string, r types.Range, accountDataEventFilter *gomatrixserverlib.EventFilter) (data map[string][]string, err error)
	SelectMaxAccountDataID(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (id int64, err error)

type Invites interface {
	InsertInviteEvent(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, inviteEvent gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) (streamPos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	DeleteInviteEvent(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, inviteEventID string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
	// SelectInviteEventsInRange returns a map of room ID to invite events. If multiple invite/retired invites exist in the given range, return the latest value
	// for the room.
	SelectInviteEventsInRange(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, targetUserID string, r types.Range) (invites map[string]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, retired map[string]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, err error)
	SelectMaxInviteID(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (id int64, err error)

type Peeks interface {
	InsertPeek(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID, userID, deviceID string) (streamPos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	DeletePeek(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID, userID, deviceID string) (streamPos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	DeletePeeks(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID, userID string) (streamPos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	SelectPeeksInRange(ctxt context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID, deviceID string, r types.Range) (peeks []types.Peek, err error)
	SelectPeekingDevices(ctxt context.Context) (peekingDevices map[string][]types.PeekingDevice, err error)
	SelectMaxPeekID(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (id int64, err error)

type Events interface {
	SelectStateInRange(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, r types.Range, stateFilter *gomatrixserverlib.StateFilter) (map[string]map[string]bool, map[string]types.StreamEvent, error)
	SelectMaxEventID(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (id int64, err error)
	InsertEvent(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, event *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, addState, removeState []string, transactionID *api.TransactionID, excludeFromSync bool) (streamPos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	// SelectRecentEvents returns events between the two stream positions: exclusive of low and inclusive of high.
	// If onlySyncEvents has a value of true, only returns the events that aren't marked as to exclude from sync.
	// Returns up to `limit` events. Returns `limited=true` if there are more events in this range but we hit the `limit`.
	SelectRecentEvents(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string, r types.Range, limit int, chronologicalOrder bool, onlySyncEvents bool) ([]types.StreamEvent, bool, error)
	// SelectEarlyEvents returns the earliest events in the given room.
	SelectEarlyEvents(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string, r types.Range, limit int) ([]types.StreamEvent, error)
	SelectEvents(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, eventIDs []string) ([]types.StreamEvent, error)
	UpdateEventJSON(ctx context.Context, event *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent) error
	// DeleteEventsForRoom removes all event information for a room. This should only be done when removing the room entirely.
	DeleteEventsForRoom(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string) (err error)

// Topology keeps track of the depths and stream positions for all events.
// These positions are used as types.TopologyToken when backfilling events locally.
type Topology interface {
	// InsertEventInTopology inserts the given event in the room's topology, based on the event's depth.
	// `pos` is the stream position of this event in the events table, and is used to order events which have the same depth.
	InsertEventInTopology(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, event *gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, pos types.StreamPosition) (err error)
	// SelectEventIDsInRange selects the IDs of events whose depths are within a given range in a given room's topological order.
	// Events with `minDepth` are *exclusive*, as is the event which has exactly `minDepth`,`maxStreamPos`.
	// `maxStreamPos` is only used when events have the same depth as `maxDepth`, which results in events less than `maxStreamPos` being returned.
	// Returns an empty slice if no events match the given range.
	SelectEventIDsInRange(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string, minDepth, maxDepth, maxStreamPos types.StreamPosition, limit int, chronologicalOrder bool) (eventIDs []string, err error)
	// SelectPositionInTopology returns the depth and stream position of a given event in the topology of the room it belongs to.
	SelectPositionInTopology(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, eventID string) (depth, spos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	// SelectMaxPositionInTopology returns the event which has the highest depth, and if there are multiple, the event with the highest stream position.
	SelectMaxPositionInTopology(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string) (depth types.StreamPosition, spos types.StreamPosition, err error)
	// DeleteTopologyForRoom removes all topological information for a room. This should only be done when removing the room entirely.
	DeleteTopologyForRoom(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string) (err error)

type CurrentRoomState interface {
	SelectStateEvent(ctx context.Context, roomID, evType, stateKey string) (*gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error)
	SelectEventsWithEventIDs(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, eventIDs []string) ([]types.StreamEvent, error)
	UpsertRoomState(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, event gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, membership *string, addedAt types.StreamPosition) error
	DeleteRoomStateByEventID(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, eventID string) error
	DeleteRoomStateForRoom(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string) error
	// SelectCurrentState returns all the current state events for the given room.
	SelectCurrentState(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string, stateFilter *gomatrixserverlib.StateFilter) ([]gomatrixserverlib.HeaderedEvent, error)
	// SelectRoomIDsWithMembership returns the list of room IDs which have the given user in the given membership state.
	SelectRoomIDsWithMembership(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID string, membership string) ([]string, error)
	// SelectJoinedUsers returns a map of room ID to a list of joined user IDs.
	SelectJoinedUsers(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]string, error)

// BackwardsExtremities keeps track of backwards extremities for a room.
// Backwards extremities are the earliest (DAG-wise) known events which we have
// the entire event JSON. These event IDs are used in federation requests to fetch
// even earlier events.
// We persist the previous event IDs as well, one per row, so when we do fetch even
// earlier events we can simply delete rows which referenced it. Consider the graph:
//        A
//        |   Event C has 1 prev_event ID: A.
//    B   C
//    |___|   Event D has 2 prev_event IDs: B and C.
//      |
//      D
// The earliest known event we have is D, so this table has 2 rows.
// A backfill request gives us C but not B. We delete rows where prev_event=C. This
// still means that D is a backwards extremity as we do not have event B. However, event
// C is *also* a backwards extremity at this point as we do not have event A. Later,
// when we fetch event B, we delete rows where prev_event=B. This then removes D as
// a backwards extremity because there are no more rows with event_id=B.
type BackwardsExtremities interface {
	// InsertsBackwardExtremity inserts a new backwards extremity.
	InsertsBackwardExtremity(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID, eventID string, prevEventID string) (err error)
	// SelectBackwardExtremitiesForRoom retrieves all backwards extremities for the room, as a map of event_id to list of prev_event_ids.
	SelectBackwardExtremitiesForRoom(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (bwExtrems map[string][]string, err error)
	// DeleteBackwardExtremity removes a backwards extremity for a room, if one existed.
	DeleteBackwardExtremity(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID, knownEventID string) (err error)
	// DeleteBackwardExtremitiesFoorRoomID removes all backward extremities for a room. This should only be done when removing the room entirely.
	DeleteBackwardExtremitiesForRoom(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, roomID string) (err error)

// SendToDevice tracks send-to-device messages which are sent to individual
// clients. Each message gets inserted into this table at the point that we
// receive it from the EDU server.
// We're supposed to try and do our best to deliver send-to-device messages
// once, but the only way that we can really guarantee that they have been
// delivered is if the client successfully requests the next sync as given
// in the next_batch. Each time the device syncs, we will request all of the
// updates that either haven't been sent yet, along with all updates that we
// *have* sent but we haven't confirmed to have been received yet. If it's the
// first time we're sending a given update then we update the table to say
// what the "since" parameter was when we tried to send it.
// When the client syncs again, if their "since" parameter is *later* than
// the recorded one, we drop the entry from the DB as it's "sent". If the
// sync parameter isn't later then we will keep including the updates in the
// sync response, as the client is seemingly trying to repeat the same /sync.
type SendToDevice interface {
	InsertSendToDeviceMessage(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID, deviceID, content string) (err error)
	SelectSendToDeviceMessages(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID, deviceID string) (events []types.SendToDeviceEvent, err error)
	UpdateSentSendToDeviceMessages(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, token string, nids []types.SendToDeviceNID) (err error)
	DeleteSendToDeviceMessages(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, nids []types.SendToDeviceNID) (err error)
	CountSendToDeviceMessages(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, userID, deviceID string) (count int, err error)

type Filter interface {
	SelectFilter(ctx context.Context, localpart string, filterID string) (*gomatrixserverlib.Filter, error)
	InsertFilter(ctx context.Context, filter *gomatrixserverlib.Filter, localpart string) (filterID string, err error)