// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package postgres

import (


const devicesSchema = `
-- This sequence is used for automatic allocation of session_id.
CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS device_session_id_seq START 1;

-- Stores data about devices.
    -- The access token granted to this device. This has to be the primary key
    -- so we can distinguish which device is making a given request.
    access_token TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    -- The auto-allocated unique ID of the session identified by the access token.
    -- This can be used as a secure substitution of the access token in situations
    -- where data is associated with access tokens (e.g. transaction storage),
    -- so we don't have to store users' access tokens everywhere.
    session_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('device_session_id_seq'),
    -- The device identifier. This only needs to uniquely identify a device for a given user, not globally.
    -- access_tokens will be clobbered based on the device ID for a user.
    device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
    -- The Matrix user ID localpart for this device. This is preferable to storing the full user_id
    -- as it is smaller, makes it clearer that we only manage devices for our own users, and may make
    -- migration to different domain names easier.
    localpart TEXT NOT NULL,
    -- When this devices was first recognised on the network, as a unix timestamp (ms resolution).
    created_ts BIGINT NOT NULL,
    -- The display name, human friendlier than device_id and updatable
    display_name TEXT
    -- TODO: device keys, device display names, last used ts and IP address?, token restrictions (if 3rd-party OAuth app)

-- Device IDs must be unique for a given user.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS device_localpart_id_idx ON device_devices(localpart, device_id);

const insertDeviceSQL = "" +
	"INSERT INTO device_devices(device_id, localpart, access_token, created_ts, display_name) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)" +
	" RETURNING session_id"

const selectDeviceByTokenSQL = "" +
	"SELECT session_id, device_id, localpart FROM device_devices WHERE access_token = $1"

const selectDeviceByIDSQL = "" +
	"SELECT display_name FROM device_devices WHERE localpart = $1 and device_id = $2"

const selectDevicesByLocalpartSQL = "" +
	"SELECT device_id, display_name FROM device_devices WHERE localpart = $1"

const updateDeviceNameSQL = "" +
	"UPDATE device_devices SET display_name = $1 WHERE localpart = $2 AND device_id = $3"

const deleteDeviceSQL = "" +
	"DELETE FROM device_devices WHERE device_id = $1 AND localpart = $2"

const deleteDevicesByLocalpartSQL = "" +
	"DELETE FROM device_devices WHERE localpart = $1"

const deleteDevicesSQL = "" +
	"DELETE FROM device_devices WHERE localpart = $1 AND device_id = ANY($2)"

type devicesStatements struct {
	insertDeviceStmt             *sql.Stmt
	selectDeviceByTokenStmt      *sql.Stmt
	selectDeviceByIDStmt         *sql.Stmt
	selectDevicesByLocalpartStmt *sql.Stmt
	updateDeviceNameStmt         *sql.Stmt
	deleteDeviceStmt             *sql.Stmt
	deleteDevicesByLocalpartStmt *sql.Stmt
	deleteDevicesStmt            *sql.Stmt
	serverName                   gomatrixserverlib.ServerName

func (s *devicesStatements) prepare(db *sql.DB, server gomatrixserverlib.ServerName) (err error) {
	_, err = db.Exec(devicesSchema)
	if err != nil {
	if s.insertDeviceStmt, err = db.Prepare(insertDeviceSQL); err != nil {
	if s.selectDeviceByTokenStmt, err = db.Prepare(selectDeviceByTokenSQL); err != nil {
	if s.selectDeviceByIDStmt, err = db.Prepare(selectDeviceByIDSQL); err != nil {
	if s.selectDevicesByLocalpartStmt, err = db.Prepare(selectDevicesByLocalpartSQL); err != nil {
	if s.updateDeviceNameStmt, err = db.Prepare(updateDeviceNameSQL); err != nil {
	if s.deleteDeviceStmt, err = db.Prepare(deleteDeviceSQL); err != nil {
	if s.deleteDevicesByLocalpartStmt, err = db.Prepare(deleteDevicesByLocalpartSQL); err != nil {
	if s.deleteDevicesStmt, err = db.Prepare(deleteDevicesSQL); err != nil {
	s.serverName = server

// insertDevice creates a new device. Returns an error if any device with the same access token already exists.
// Returns an error if the user already has a device with the given device ID.
// Returns the device on success.
func (s *devicesStatements) insertDevice(
	ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, id, localpart, accessToken string,
	displayName *string,
) (*authtypes.Device, error) {
	createdTimeMS := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000
	var sessionID int64
	stmt := internal.TxStmt(txn, s.insertDeviceStmt)
	if err := stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx, id, localpart, accessToken, createdTimeMS, displayName).Scan(&sessionID); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &authtypes.Device{
		ID:          id,
		UserID:      userutil.MakeUserID(localpart, s.serverName),
		AccessToken: accessToken,
		SessionID:   sessionID,
	}, nil

// deleteDevice removes a single device by id and user localpart.
func (s *devicesStatements) deleteDevice(
	ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, id, localpart string,
) error {
	stmt := internal.TxStmt(txn, s.deleteDeviceStmt)
	_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, id, localpart)
	return err

// deleteDevices removes a single or multiple devices by ids and user localpart.
// Returns an error if the execution failed.
func (s *devicesStatements) deleteDevices(
	ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, localpart string, devices []string,
) error {
	stmt := internal.TxStmt(txn, s.deleteDevicesStmt)
	_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, localpart, pq.Array(devices))
	return err

// deleteDevicesByLocalpart removes all devices for the
// given user localpart.
func (s *devicesStatements) deleteDevicesByLocalpart(
	ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, localpart string,
) error {
	stmt := internal.TxStmt(txn, s.deleteDevicesByLocalpartStmt)
	_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, localpart)
	return err

func (s *devicesStatements) updateDeviceName(
	ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx, localpart, deviceID string, displayName *string,
) error {
	stmt := internal.TxStmt(txn, s.updateDeviceNameStmt)
	_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, displayName, localpart, deviceID)
	return err

func (s *devicesStatements) selectDeviceByToken(
	ctx context.Context, accessToken string,
) (*authtypes.Device, error) {
	var dev authtypes.Device
	var localpart string
	stmt := s.selectDeviceByTokenStmt
	err := stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx, accessToken).Scan(&dev.SessionID, &dev.ID, &localpart)
	if err == nil {
		dev.UserID = userutil.MakeUserID(localpart, s.serverName)
		dev.AccessToken = accessToken
	return &dev, err

// selectDeviceByID retrieves a device from the database with the given user
// localpart and deviceID
func (s *devicesStatements) selectDeviceByID(
	ctx context.Context, localpart, deviceID string,
) (*authtypes.Device, error) {
	var dev authtypes.Device
	stmt := s.selectDeviceByIDStmt
	err := stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx, localpart, deviceID).Scan(&dev.DisplayName)
	if err == nil {
		dev.ID = deviceID
		dev.UserID = userutil.MakeUserID(localpart, s.serverName)
	return &dev, err

func (s *devicesStatements) selectDevicesByLocalpart(
	ctx context.Context, localpart string,
) ([]authtypes.Device, error) {
	devices := []authtypes.Device{}

	rows, err := s.selectDevicesByLocalpartStmt.QueryContext(ctx, localpart)

	if err != nil {
		return devices, err
	defer internal.CloseAndLogIfError(ctx, rows, "selectDevicesByLocalpart: rows.close() failed")

	for rows.Next() {
		var dev authtypes.Device
		var id, displayname sql.NullString
		err = rows.Scan(&id, &displayname)
		if err != nil {
			return devices, err
		if id.Valid {
			dev.ID = id.String
		if displayname.Valid {
			dev.DisplayName = displayname.String
		dev.UserID = userutil.MakeUserID(localpart, s.serverName)
		devices = append(devices, dev)

	return devices, rows.Err()