--- title: Supported admin APIs parent: Administration permalink: /administration/adminapi --- # Supported admin APIs Dendrite supports, at present, a very small number of endpoints that allow admin users to perform administrative functions. Please note that there is no API stability guarantee on these endpoints at present — they may change shape without warning. More endpoints will be added in the future. Endpoints may be used directly through curl: ``` curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -X <POST|GET|PUT> <Endpoint URI> -d '<Request Body Contents>' ``` An `access_token` can be obtained through most Element-based matrix clients by going to `Settings` -> `Help & About` -> `Advanced` -> `Access Token`. Be aware that an `access_token` allows a client to perform actions as an user and should be kept **secret**. The user must be an administrator in the `account_accounts` table in order to use these endpoints. Existing user accounts can be set to administrative accounts by changing `account_type` to `3` in `account_accounts` ``` UPDATE account_accounts SET account_type = 3 WHERE localpart = '$localpart'; ``` Where `$localpart` is the username only (e.g. `alice`). ## GET `/_dendrite/admin/evacuateRoom/{roomID}` This endpoint will instruct Dendrite to part all local users from the given `roomID` in the URL. It may take some time to complete. A JSON body will be returned containing the user IDs of all affected users. ## GET `/_dendrite/admin/evacuateUser/{userID}` This endpoint will instruct Dendrite to part the given local `userID` in the URL from all rooms which they are currently joined. A JSON body will be returned containing the room IDs of all affected rooms. ## POST `/_dendrite/admin/resetPassword/{localpart}` Request body format: ``` { "password": "new_password_here" } ``` Reset the password of a local user. The `localpart` is the username only, i.e. if the full user ID is `@alice:domain.com` then the local part is `alice`. ## POST `/_synapse/admin/v1/send_server_notice` Request body format: ``` { "user_id": "@target_user:server_name", "content": { "msgtype": "m.text", "body": "This is my message" } } ``` Send a server notice to a specific user. See the [Matrix Spec](https://spec.matrix.org/v1.3/client-server-api/#server-notices) for additional details on server notice behaviour. If successfully sent, the API will return the following response: ``` { "event_id": "<event_id>" } ``` ## GET `/_synapse/admin/v1/register` Shared secret registration — please see the [user creation page](createusers) for guidance on configuring and using this endpoint. ## GET `/_matrix/client/v3/admin/whois/{userId}` From the [Matrix Spec](https://spec.matrix.org/v1.3/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3adminwhoisuserid). Gets information about a particular user. `userId` is the full user ID (e.g. `@alice:domain.com`)