Based on #3340 This adds a `/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports` endpoint, the same Synapse has. This way existing tools also work with Dendrite. Given this is already getting huge (even though many test lines), splitting this into two PRs. (The next adds "getting one report" and "deleting reports") [skip ci]
575 lines
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575 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
// Copyright 2019-2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package api
import (
// QueryLatestEventsAndStateRequest is a request to QueryLatestEventsAndState
type QueryLatestEventsAndStateRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the latest events for.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The state key tuples to fetch from the room current state.
// If this list is empty or nil then *ALL* current state events are returned.
StateToFetch []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple `json:"state_to_fetch"`
// QueryLatestEventsAndStateResponse is a response to QueryLatestEventsAndState
// This is used when sending events to set the prev_events, auth_events and depth.
// It is also used to tell whether the event is allowed by the event auth rules.
type QueryLatestEventsAndStateResponse struct {
// Does the room exist?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and LatestEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// The latest events in the room.
// These are used to set the prev_events when sending an event.
LatestEvents []string `json:"latest_events"`
// The state events requested.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
// These are used to set the auth_events when sending an event.
// These are used to check whether the event is allowed.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
// The depth of the latest events.
// This is one greater than the maximum depth of the latest events.
// This is used to set the depth when sending an event.
Depth int64 `json:"depth"`
// QueryStateAfterEventsRequest is a request to QueryStateAfterEvents
type QueryStateAfterEventsRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the state in.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The list of previous events to return the events after.
PrevEventIDs []string `json:"prev_event_ids"`
// The state key tuples to fetch from the state. If none are specified then
// the entire resolved room state will be returned.
StateToFetch []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple `json:"state_to_fetch"`
// QueryStateAfterEventsResponse is a response to QueryStateAfterEvents
type QueryStateAfterEventsResponse struct {
// Does the room exist on this roomserver?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// Do all the previous events exist on this roomserver?
// If some of previous events do not exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
PrevEventsExist bool `json:"prev_events_exist"`
// The state events requested.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
// QueryEventsByIDRequest is a request to QueryEventsByID
type QueryEventsByIDRequest struct {
// The roomID to query events for. If this is empty, we first try to fetch the roomID from the database
// as this is needed for further processing/parsing events.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The event IDs to look up.
EventIDs []string `json:"event_ids"`
// QueryEventsByIDResponse is a response to QueryEventsByID
type QueryEventsByIDResponse struct {
// A list of events with the requested IDs.
// If the roomserver does not have a copy of a requested event
// then it will omit that event from the list.
// If the roomserver thinks it has a copy of the event, but
// fails to read it from the database then it will fail
// the entire request.
// This list will be in an arbitrary order.
Events []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"events"`
// QueryMembershipForUserRequest is a request to QueryMembership
type QueryMembershipForUserRequest struct {
// ID of the room to fetch membership from
RoomID string
// ID of the user for whom membership is requested
UserID spec.UserID
// QueryMembershipForUserResponse is a response to QueryMembership
type QueryMembershipForUserResponse struct {
// The EventID of the latest "" event for the sender,
// if HasBeenInRoom is true.
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
// True if the user has been in room before and has either stayed in it or left it.
HasBeenInRoom bool `json:"has_been_in_room"`
// True if the user is in room.
IsInRoom bool `json:"is_in_room"`
// The current membership
Membership string `json:"membership"`
// True if the user asked to forget this room.
IsRoomForgotten bool `json:"is_room_forgotten"`
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The sender ID of the user in the room, if it exists
SenderID *spec.SenderID
// QueryMembershipsForRoomRequest is a request to QueryMembershipsForRoom
type QueryMembershipsForRoomRequest struct {
// If true, only returns the membership events of "join" membership
JoinedOnly bool `json:"joined_only"`
// If true, only returns the membership events of local users
LocalOnly bool `json:"local_only"`
// ID of the room to fetch memberships from
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// Optional - ID of the user sending the request, for checking if the
// user is allowed to see the memberships. If not specified then all
// room memberships will be returned.
SenderID spec.SenderID `json:"sender"`
// QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse is a response to QueryMembershipsForRoom
type QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse struct {
// The "" events (of "join" membership) in the client format
JoinEvents []synctypes.ClientEvent `json:"join_events"`
// True if the user has been in room before and has either stayed in it or
// left it.
HasBeenInRoom bool `json:"has_been_in_room"`
// True if the user asked to forget this room.
IsRoomForgotten bool `json:"is_room_forgotten"`
// QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest is a request to QueryServerJoinedToRoom
type QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest struct {
// Server name of the server to find. If not specified, we will
// default to checking if the local server is joined.
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// ID of the room to see if we are still joined to
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// QueryMembershipsForRoomResponse is a response to QueryServerJoinedToRoom
type QueryServerJoinedToRoomResponse struct {
// True if the room exists on the server
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// True if we still believe that the server is participating in the room
IsInRoom bool `json:"is_in_room"`
// The roomversion if joined to room
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion
// QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventRequest is a request to QueryServerAllowedToSeeEvent
type QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventRequest struct {
// The event ID to look up invites in.
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
// The server interested in the event
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventResponse is a response to QueryServerAllowedToSeeEvent
type QueryServerAllowedToSeeEventResponse struct {
// Wether the server in question is allowed to see the event
AllowedToSeeEvent bool `json:"can_see_event"`
// QueryMissingEventsRequest is a request to QueryMissingEvents
type QueryMissingEventsRequest struct {
// Events which are known previous to the gap in the timeline.
EarliestEvents []string `json:"earliest_events"`
// Latest known events.
LatestEvents []string `json:"latest_events"`
// Limit the number of events this query returns.
Limit int `json:"limit"`
// The server interested in the event
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
// QueryMissingEventsResponse is a response to QueryMissingEvents
type QueryMissingEventsResponse struct {
// Missing events, arbritrary order.
Events []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"events"`
// QueryStateAndAuthChainRequest is a request to QueryStateAndAuthChain
type QueryStateAndAuthChainRequest struct {
// The room ID to query the state in.
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// The list of prev events for the event. Used to calculate the state at
// the event.
PrevEventIDs []string `json:"prev_event_ids"`
// The list of auth events for the event. Used to calculate the auth chain
AuthEventIDs []string `json:"auth_event_ids"`
// If true, the auth chain events for the auth event IDs given will be fetched only. Prev event IDs are ignored.
// If false, state and auth chain events for the prev event IDs and entire current state will be included.
// TODO: not a great API shape. It serves 2 main uses: false=>response for send_join, true=>response for /event_auth
OnlyFetchAuthChain bool `json:"only_fetch_auth_chain"`
// Should state resolution be ran on the result events?
// TODO: check call sites and remove if we always want to do state res
ResolveState bool `json:"resolve_state"`
// QueryStateAndAuthChainResponse is a response to QueryStateAndAuthChain
type QueryStateAndAuthChainResponse struct {
// Does the room exist on this roomserver?
// If the room doesn't exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
RoomExists bool `json:"room_exists"`
// The room version of the room.
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
// Do all the previous events exist on this roomserver?
// If some of previous events do not exist this will be false and StateEvents will be empty.
PrevEventsExist bool `json:"prev_events_exist"`
StateKnown bool `json:"state_known"`
// The state and auth chain events that were requested.
// The lists will be in an arbitrary order.
StateEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"state_events"`
AuthChainEvents []*types.HeaderedEvent `json:"auth_chain_events"`
// True if the queried event was rejected earlier.
IsRejected bool `json:"is_rejected"`
// QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest asks for the room version for a given room.
type QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest struct {
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
// QueryRoomVersionForRoomResponse is a response to QueryRoomVersionForRoomRequest
type QueryRoomVersionForRoomResponse struct {
RoomVersion gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion `json:"room_version"`
type QueryPublishedRoomsRequest struct {
// Optional. If specified, returns whether this room is published or not.
RoomID string
NetworkID string
IncludeAllNetworks bool
type QueryPublishedRoomsResponse struct {
// The list of published rooms.
RoomIDs []string
type QueryAuthChainRequest struct {
EventIDs []string
type QueryAuthChainResponse struct {
AuthChain []*types.HeaderedEvent
type QuerySharedUsersRequest struct {
UserID string
OtherUserIDs []string
ExcludeRoomIDs []string
IncludeRoomIDs []string
LocalOnly bool
type QuerySharedUsersResponse struct {
UserIDsToCount map[string]int
type QueryBulkStateContentRequest struct {
// Returns state events in these rooms
RoomIDs []string
// If true, treats the '*' StateKey as "all state events of this type" rather than a literal value of '*'
AllowWildcards bool
// The state events to return. Only a small subset of tuples are allowed in this request as only certain events
// have their content fields extracted. Specifically, the tuple Type must be one of:
// Any other tuple type will result in the query failing.
StateTuples []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple
type QueryBulkStateContentResponse struct {
// map of room ID -> tuple -> content_value
Rooms map[string]map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string
type QueryCurrentStateRequest struct {
RoomID string
AllowWildcards bool
// State key tuples. If a state_key has '*' and AllowWidlcards is true, returns all matching
// state events with that event type.
StateTuples []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple
type QueryCurrentStateResponse struct {
StateEvents map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]*types.HeaderedEvent
type QueryKnownUsersRequest struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
SearchString string `json:"search_string"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
type QueryKnownUsersResponse struct {
Users []authtypes.FullyQualifiedProfile `json:"profiles"`
type QueryServerBannedFromRoomRequest struct {
ServerName spec.ServerName `json:"server_name"`
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
type QueryServerBannedFromRoomResponse struct {
Banned bool `json:"banned"`
type QueryAdminEventReportsResponse struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Score int64 `json:"score"`
EventNID types.EventNID `json:"-"` // only used to query the state
RoomNID types.RoomNID `json:"-"` // only used to query the state
ReportingUserNID types.EventStateKeyNID `json:"-"` // only used in the DB
SenderNID types.EventStateKeyNID `json:"-"` // only used in the DB
RoomID string `json:"room_id"`
EventID string `json:"event_id"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"` // the user reporting the event
Reason string `json:"reason"`
Sender string `json:"sender"` // the user sending the reported event
CanonicalAlias string `json:"canonical_alias"`
RoomName string `json:"name"`
ReceivedTS spec.Timestamp `json:"received_ts"`
// MarshalJSON stringifies the room ID and StateKeyTuple keys so they can be sent over the wire in HTTP API mode.
func (r *QueryBulkStateContentResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
se := make(map[string]string)
for roomID, tupleToEvent := range r.Rooms {
for tuple, event := range tupleToEvent {
// use 0x1F (unit separator) as the delimiter between room ID/type/state key,
se[fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1F%s\x1F%s", roomID, tuple.EventType, tuple.StateKey)] = event
return json.Marshal(se)
func (r *QueryBulkStateContentResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
wireFormat := make(map[string]string)
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &wireFormat)
if err != nil {
return err
r.Rooms = make(map[string]map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string)
for roomTuple, value := range wireFormat {
fields := strings.Split(roomTuple, "\x1F")
roomID := fields[0]
if r.Rooms[roomID] == nil {
r.Rooms[roomID] = make(map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]string)
EventType: fields[1],
StateKey: fields[2],
}] = value
return nil
// MarshalJSON stringifies the StateKeyTuple keys so they can be sent over the wire in HTTP API mode.
func (r *QueryCurrentStateResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
se := make(map[string]*types.HeaderedEvent, len(r.StateEvents))
for k, v := range r.StateEvents {
// use 0x1F (unit separator) as the delimiter between type/state key,
se[fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1F%s", k.EventType, k.StateKey)] = v
return json.Marshal(se)
func (r *QueryCurrentStateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
res := make(map[string]*types.HeaderedEvent)
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &res)
if err != nil {
return err
r.StateEvents = make(map[gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple]*types.HeaderedEvent, len(res))
for k, v := range res {
fields := strings.Split(k, "\x1F")
EventType: fields[0],
StateKey: fields[1],
}] = v
return nil
// QueryLeftUsersRequest is a request to calculate users that we (the server) don't share a
// a room with anymore. This is used to cleanup stale device list entries, where we would
// otherwise keep on trying to get device lists.
type QueryLeftUsersRequest struct {
StaleDeviceListUsers []string `json:"user_ids"`
// QueryLeftUsersResponse is the response to QueryLeftUsersRequest.
type QueryLeftUsersResponse struct {
LeftUsers []string `json:"user_ids"`
type JoinRoomQuerier struct {
Roomserver RestrictedJoinAPI
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) CurrentStateEvent(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, eventType string, stateKey string) (gomatrixserverlib.PDU, error) {
return rq.Roomserver.CurrentStateEvent(ctx, roomID, eventType, stateKey)
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) InvitePending(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID) (bool, error) {
return rq.Roomserver.InvitePending(ctx, roomID, senderID)
func (rq *JoinRoomQuerier) RestrictedRoomJoinInfo(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID, localServerName spec.ServerName) (*gomatrixserverlib.RestrictedRoomJoinInfo, error) {
roomInfo, err := rq.Roomserver.QueryRoomInfo(ctx, roomID)
if err != nil || roomInfo == nil || roomInfo.IsStub() {
return nil, err
req := QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest{
ServerName: localServerName,
RoomID: roomID.String(),
res := QueryServerJoinedToRoomResponse{}
if err = rq.Roomserver.QueryServerJoinedToRoom(ctx, &req, &res); err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.QueryServerJoinedToRoom failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: Failed to query room: %w", err)
userJoinedToRoom, err := rq.Roomserver.UserJoinedToRoom(ctx, types.RoomNID(roomInfo.RoomNID), senderID)
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.UserJoinedToRoom failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: %w", err)
locallyJoinedUsers, err := rq.Roomserver.LocallyJoinedUsers(ctx, roomInfo.RoomVersion, types.RoomNID(roomInfo.RoomNID))
if err != nil {
util.GetLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Error("rsAPI.GetLocallyJoinedUsers failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("InternalServerError: %w", err)
return &gomatrixserverlib.RestrictedRoomJoinInfo{
LocalServerInRoom: res.RoomExists && res.IsInRoom,
UserJoinedToRoom: userJoinedToRoom,
JoinedUsers: locallyJoinedUsers,
}, nil
type MembershipQuerier struct {
Roomserver FederationRoomserverAPI
func (mq *MembershipQuerier) CurrentMembership(ctx context.Context, roomID spec.RoomID, senderID spec.SenderID) (string, error) {
res := QueryMembershipForUserResponse{}
err := mq.Roomserver.QueryMembershipForSenderID(ctx, roomID, senderID, &res)
membership := ""
if err == nil {
membership = res.Membership
return membership, err
type QueryRoomHierarchyRequest struct {
SuggestedOnly bool `json:"suggested_only"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"`
From int `json:"json"`
// A struct storing the intermediate state of a room hierarchy query for pagination purposes.
// Used for implementing space summaries / room hierarchies
// Use NewRoomHierarchyWalker to construct this, and QueryNextRoomHierarchyPage on the roomserver API
// to traverse the room hierarchy.
type RoomHierarchyWalker struct {
RootRoomID spec.RoomID
Caller types.DeviceOrServerName
SuggestedOnly bool
MaxDepth int
Processed RoomSet
Unvisited []RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom
type RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom struct {
RoomID spec.RoomID
ParentRoomID *spec.RoomID
Depth int
Vias []string // vias to query this room by
// Create a new room hierarchy walker, starting from the provided root room ID.
// Use the resulting struct with QueryNextRoomHierarchyPage on the roomserver API to traverse the room hierarchy.
func NewRoomHierarchyWalker(caller types.DeviceOrServerName, roomID spec.RoomID, suggestedOnly bool, maxDepth int) RoomHierarchyWalker {
walker := RoomHierarchyWalker{
RootRoomID: roomID,
Caller: caller,
SuggestedOnly: suggestedOnly,
MaxDepth: maxDepth,
Unvisited: []RoomHierarchyWalkerQueuedRoom{{
RoomID: roomID,
ParentRoomID: nil,
Depth: 0,
Processed: NewRoomSet(),
return walker
// A set of room IDs.
type RoomSet map[spec.RoomID]struct{}
// Create a new empty room set.
func NewRoomSet() RoomSet {
return RoomSet{}
// Check if a room ID is in a room set.
func (s RoomSet) Contains(val spec.RoomID) bool {
_, ok := s[val]
return ok
// Add a room ID to a room set.
func (s RoomSet) Add(val spec.RoomID) {
s[val] = struct{}{}
func (s RoomSet) Copy() RoomSet {
copied := make(RoomSet, len(s))
for k := range s {
return copied